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2 Pregnancy Tips You Should Know To Beat Stretch Marks


One of the things that many women are concerned most during pregnancy is having stretch mark after giving birth to their child. But what if I tell you that stretch marks can actually be avoided? Yes, you read that right and it is possible that you succeed in this process if you are aware of the 3 simple yet very effective tips.


So, if you are looking forward to prevent stretch marks from surfacing in your skin after giving birth, I recommend that you read the next few paragraphs.


Tip #1: Incorporate a Healthy and Balanced Diet in your Lifestyle - your diet will play a critical role especially in the 6th and the 7th month of your pregnancy week by week. This is because of the reason that it's the time when stretch marks start to take place. The reason behind this is that your skin is being stretched too much at a fast period of time.


We may relate this issue to a piece of elastic material. Say that you try to put force to over stretch it, it'll soon lose its elasticity and won't return to its original form. This is the main reason why it sometimes get wrinkles along edges. Basically, that is the same principle that is happening to your physique when you're womb is getting bigger and bigger every month.


How many weeks pregnant? In order to steer clear of this issue, controlling your weight gain and incorporating a healthy diet during your pregnancy is very important. Your body especially your tummy needs to adapt to the baby that is growing in your womb and being in a healthy and balanced diet is a proven way to cope up with it.


Tip #2: Drink lots and lots of water - if you are not used to drinking water when you're not pregnant, then you better now. Drinking lots of water whether you believe it or not is crucial in your pregnancy period. Preferably, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day or even more if you're exercising. Drinking fruit juices as well as tea or coffee occasionally is also counted here.


Remember this, if you're able to drink the suggested amount of water per day, your skin will be able to gain the elasticity it needs and be more hydrated, which is vital to handle the continuous stretching of your skin. Not only that, water additionally assist the baby in your womb to grow healthy and strong.

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